Stolberg (7)

German prisoners are brought out of the center of Stolberg Germany in November 1944 by soldiers of the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves”.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Eschweiler – Röthgener Straße (3)

Clearing the way for US troops after the Germans? blown up the railbridge at the Röthgener Straße in Eschweiler, December 1944.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel


Civilians are rounded up by members of the Military Government, after First Army infantrymen of the 8th Division drove the Nazis out of Blatzheim, Germany, 27 February, 1945. Note: If you look careful you can you can see the slogans Schweig Feind hort mit! and Schweigen hilft Siegen!
Then image: US Signal Corps / SC 201465
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (6)

More German prisoners in Stolberg Germany – November 1944.
Most of the GI’s are with the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves”.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (5)

GI takes a break in Stolberg Germany – November 1944.
He is probably with the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves”.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (4)

German prisoners in Stolberg Germany – November 1944.
Most of the GI’s are with the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves”.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (3)

Donald W Fehr, William Moore, T/5 Dexter E Wilson (KIA Dec 1944), Sgt Donald E Bailey (KIA March 1945), S/Sgt Alfred Marcus, Pvt Francis J Rose (WIA March 1945), T/5 Robert A Gaither (WIA Dec 44), Luther Peak, Sgt Jack Brewer
Sitting: Pfc Earl L Weaver , Pfc William Nelson, Cpl Frank J Altman , Dan Jaynes , T/5 Philip P “Phil” Dest from the 32nd Armoured Regiment, 3rd Armoured “Spearhead” Division in Stolberg 17 November 1944.
Then image: Private collection / Allen Bartell- Sgt John Claussen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (2)

Don W. Fehr, Company B, 32nd Armoured Regiment, 3rd Armoured “Spearhead” Division in Stolberg 17 November 1944.
Then image: Private collection / Allen Bartell- Sgt John Claussen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Stolberg (1)

German soldiers are taken prisoner in Stolberg by the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves” in November 1944 during Operation Queen.
Then image: LIFE magazine / John Florea
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Gressenich – Römerstraße (3)

Gathering of US soldiers on the corner of the Römerstraße and the Schevenhütterstraße in Gressenich during Operation Queen, November 1944.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel