Givenchy-en-Gohelle – Vimy Memorial

German soldier stands before Canadian National Vimy Ridge Memorial, honoring their Great War dead. France, June 2nd 1940.
Then image: ?
Now image : www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Givenchy-en-Gohelle – Vimy

Givenchy-en-Gohelle, Vimy Memorial for the Canadian Soldiers of WWI. Hitler visited the place in 1940 in his own WW1 memorial tour.
Then image:
Source: Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, approx 2-5 June 1940 (Heinricht Hofmann).

Givenchy-en-Gohelle – Vimy Memorial

When visiting the memorial of Vimy Hitler was also visiting the trenches of WW1 at the same place. I took this shot and i’m pretty sure it’s not the actual location but it is at the same location near the Vimy memorial.
Then image: ??
Now image: / Cor Sleutel

Ypres – Kauwekijnstraat

Hitler in Ypres (Ieper) in 1940. Hitler is visiting the Menenpoort.
Then image:
Now Image: / Cor Sleutel

Ypres – Menenpoort

Hitler in Ypres (Ieper), Belgium in 1940. Hitler is visiting the Menenpoort. The photo is slanted because the original then image was slanted too.
Then photo:…/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Capture8.jpg
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel


Bastogne – Avenue de la Gare (1)

Adolf Hitler leaves the headquarters of HeeresGruppe A which was established during Fall Gelb in Bastogne at the Avenue de La gare Nr 3, 17 Mai 1940.
Then image: National Archives, Hoffman Pictures (see below)
(non commercial use only)
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Strasbourg – Cathédrale Notre Dame (2)

Hitler and his entourage in the Cathédrale Notre Dame in 1940 when he did a nostalic tour when visiting the Western front.
Then image: ??
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Strasbourg – Cathédrale Notre Dame

Hitler visits the Cathedrale Notre Dame the Strasbourg in 1940, when he was visiting the western front.
Then image: ??
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel