Then image: Private collection / Allen Bartell- Sgt John Claussen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Don W. Fehr, Company B, 32nd Armoured Regiment, 3rd Armoured “Spearhead” Division in Stolberg 17 November 1944.
Then image: Private collection / Allen Bartell- Sgt John Claussen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
German soldiers are taken prisoner in Stolberg by the US 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves” in November 1944 during Operation Queen.
Then image: LIFE magazine / John Florea
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Gathering of US soldiers on the corner of the Römerstraße and the Schevenhütterstraße in Gressenich during Operation Queen, November 1944.
Then image: LIFE Magazine Archives – John Florea
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Infantrymen of the 2nd Division, 1st U.S. Army, move through the streets of Scheven, Germany, Germany, as they advance towards Eiserfey, Germany. 6 March, 1945.
Then image: US Signal Corps / SC 270606
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Street by street the American soldiers penetrated trough the city of Neuss during Operation Grenade in March 1945.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Amercan Soldiers clearing the city center of the city of Rheinberg after the battle for the city in March 1945.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
Infantry and tanks moving through Ringelenberg (not Brunen as mentioned in the original text) around March 1945. (very difficult shot)
Then image: National Army Museum / NAM. 1975-03-63-21-215
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel (9 June 2019)
The people of Aalst welcomes army units of the Irish Guards, 18 November 1944.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel
A German SP assault gun (Sturmgeschütz) damaged by fire in Winterswick during the battle for bloody Rheinberg around March 1945.
Then image:
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel