Stolberg (3)

Donald W Fehr, William Moore, T/5 Dexter E Wilson (KIA Dec 1944), Sgt Donald E Bailey (KIA March 1945), S/Sgt Alfred Marcus, Pvt Francis J Rose (WIA March 1945), T/5 Robert A Gaither (WIA Dec 44), Luther Peak, Sgt Jack Brewer
Sitting: Pfc Earl L Weaver , Pfc William Nelson, Cpl Frank J Altman , Dan Jaynes , T/5 Philip P “Phil” Dest from the 32nd Armoured Regiment, 3rd Armoured “Spearhead” Division in Stolberg 17 November 1944.
Then image: Private collection / Allen Bartell- Sgt John Claussen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

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